The Lioness Queen

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Dimensions 60 × 90 cm




AED 11,826.00

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The Lioness Queen

AED 11,826.00

Additional information

Dimensions 60 × 90 cm




✓ FREE Shipping & Delivery In UAE
✓ Delivery Time: 2-5 days
✓ No Hidden Charges
✓ Finished & Ready To Hang

About the Craft

Mother nature has a strength that is beyond our simplistic understanding of things. The humans transformed and understood the planet, beyond any other species, but that doesn’t translate into respect to mother nature. We understood the extraction of materials, chemistry, engineering and we applied it all, only for the immediate comfort and survival with no concerns about the scars we are leaving behind.

Mother nature has been good and tolerant with us still. We make plans to save the world from fossil fuel by depleting water sources and working on huge lithium brine pools that will again create a scar, not to say we don’t even know how to recycle it yet. We lack reflection and mid term vision, we embrace the comment that goes viral on social media and repeat to look smart among others. Mother nature still good, but sooner or later she will roar, like the lioness she is, she will send all her power to teach us that she rules.

I can only hope that when she roars, we will be already repairing our wrong decisions as species, she knows that other than focusing in solving the real humanity problems, we spend manpower and resources making war. I hope mother nature forgive us and one day she treats us like her lion cubs, and that her appearance on the paint isn’t more than just a tired mother yawning after a long day.

More Details

Born and raised in south of Brazil, Renata Athanasio always had a link with design and arts. The studies and professional life in Architecture were the base that allowed her not to be afraid of a white paper or canvas. Throughout the different buildings designed, looking for harmony and function, or the different spaces conceived for a better life, the creativity and the free hand sketches started to become part of what Renata has into her artwork. With the migration from Architecture to painting, the lines and the view of space got transported from the physical world to the unlimited expressions allowed in a canvas.

Living in 3 continents and travelled in many countries has also contributed to the diverse expression in her work. While living in Paris, having access to an incredible amount of expositions and a diverse pool of museums worked out as a charger for what was coming in her way. Being able to study and practice painting with wonderful artists was an incentive that was missing to accept the true passion as a choice of life.

In Saudi Arabia, the willingness to share this passion with others made she engage as a painting teacher and share her view of colors and shapes with others. Her work got fueled up, and like gasoline on fire, her desire to produce new work every day only grows stronger. “I learned who I am as an artist, and I know what I want to share, those frames are windows to a different space that was initially created in my mind and I hope that people can see through these windows with their own eyes, bringing joy, happiness equilibrium to where they are.”